Stop Worrying About Creating Content, Start Documenting

"People aren't starting. They're not making. They're thinking, pondering, strategizing, they're debating... If you want to be respected, and really known, show the f*%k up.... You can't create today? Document, distribute, facilitate."

- Gary Vaynerchuk,

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This is Part 1 of three-part series on how to generate content quickly - even if you are pressed for time and/or not natural writer. Read Part 2 or Part 3.

I have a confession to make. Even after publishing thousands of blog posts I still struggle with writing and time management. 

Is my writing good enough for my audience?

How often should I publish on my blog? How do I reap the biggest ROI?

What's the best way to create the best content in the least amount of time?

You would think these questions would get easier after all these years, but they haven't.

Fortunately, a recent article I read is changing how I approach blogging. I also think it can help new or inconsistent bloggers find the time to blog with confidence. Here's how.

Document, Don't Create

You may not know Gary Vaynerchuk - known worldwide as "Gary Vee!" - but he's a prolific creator of, well, everything! Gary's advice to content creators is simple: document, don't create.

Creating something from scratch is hard, and a good reason why most people never get started with a blog or stick with it. To tackle this, a good first step is to chronicle the journey.

"In very simple terms, 'documenting' versus 'creating' is what The Real World and the Kardashians is to Star Wars and Friends. And don’t get confused—just because you’re “documenting” doesn’t mean you’re not creating content. It’s just a version of creating that is predicated more on practicality instead of having to think of stories or fantasy—something that’s very hard for most people (including myself)...."

"Documenting your journey versus creating an image of yourself is the difference between saying 'You should…' versus 'my intuition says…' Get it? It changes everything. I believe that the people who are willing to discuss their journeys instead of trying to front themselves as the “next big thing” are going to win."

Let's use my own journey as an example of documenting. (Even this is an example of Gary Vee's "documenting." Instead of brainstorming about ways YOU could "document" I took the faster route if using my own life as an example.).

Last week, I spoke at a conference in Washington, D.C. I could have:

  • Live tweeted some of the other presenters and shared my own opinion of their topics.

  • Recorded my own presentation - or parts of it - to share on social media or my blog.

  • Interviewed other attendees and had a whole stockpile of future blog posts!

Of course, I did none of these things. Sigh. But last week wasn't a total bust. I read Gary Vee's article and documented reading it and pulled out a few insights for you to read.

Documenting instead of creating really does work.

Watch Gary Vee document like the pro he is! Gary uses some strong language so this is NSFW. Gary discusses the value of "documenting" at the 12:30 mark.